Thursday, 5 February 2015

Columbia Rd & Shoreditch, the Ponsonby/K' Rd of London - Day Three

The morning consisted of a dawdle through the Columbia Road flower market and the neighbouring shops, where we picked up some tulips and daffodils. We dropped in to a little local cafe & bakery, Lilli Vanilli and had morning tea. Chocolate & poppyseed cake for me, red velvet for Laurie. The place was small but gorgeously decorated, and the food was just as good, if not better.

In our wandering we ran into another small market, again selling a range of food products, but also antiques, homewares, clothing and jewellery. Our walk then took us up into Shoreditch with obscure little bars and cafes, and abundant street art, including some Banksy's.

On our way from here to Brick Lane, we came across another market, where we got some of these tasty empanadas. This large market was housed in a warehouse and consisted mainly of stalls selling homewares, clothing (vintage & new), jewellery & accessories and art prints.

Caption for the sculpture below

In Brick Lane, while trawling through the various shops, we came across an exhibition called 'The Art of the Brick', consisting of scupltures entirely made of Lego. The pieces were quite interesting, though the captions made the artist sound a little arrogant and took something away from the pieces themselves, rather than adding to them.

On the other side of the room was One Direction - they didn't warrant a photo..
Addie xoxo

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